Si necesita llevar innovación a su red, entonces Adva es una de las marcas más importantes de nuestro LINE CARD y podemos apoyarlo en sus proyectos
Adva comenzó con una sola visión: transportar señales de datos, almacenamiento, voz y video a velocidades nativas y con la latencia más baja. Sus productos son los componentes básicos de las redes del mañana, lo que permite el transporte de cantidades cada vez mayores de datos en todo el mundo. Desde el acceso al núcleo metropolitano hasta el largo recorrido, crean soluciones inteligentes automatizadas por software que proporcionarán a las generaciones futuras redes que pueden escalar para satisfacer las crecientes demandas de ancho de banda.

Sistema de línea abierta (OLS) FSP 3000

One of the greatest products that Adva offers is the FSP 3000 open line System (OLS) in wich you have the power to support a wide range of modulation formats, leverage the latest and greatest technology and expand their network at any time in single- and multi-vendor environments.

This optical transport solution was designed to efficiently deal with this new environment, lowering its complexity and minimizing cost-per-bit and operational efforts. With an open and modular design, it supports a wide range of services and applications, from data center interconnect (DCI) to carrier-optimized infrastructure solutions. Incorporating the latest innovation in photonic networking and their innovative ConnectGuard™ low-latency encryption technology, the FSP 3000 enables secure optical network solutions that can scale and accommodate tomorrow’s needs. As the first commercial post-quantum cryptography (PQC) optical transport solution, the FSP 3000 now also protects data against cyberattacks from quantum computers. Moreover, with a high-density and energy-efficient design for smallest footprint and power consumption, the FSP 3000 meets the most stringent sustainability requirements.

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